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Is the Young Person Facing Housing Instability?

The Ask

How do you ask a young person if their housing is stable?

  • Where have you been staying / sleeping?
  • Is your housing comfortable and consistent? 
  • Do you have your own bed?
  • Do you have control over your living space?
  • Do you feel safe where you are sleeping?


If a young person has already disclosed the information needed to answer this question, it is not necessary to ask again or ask for more information.

The Answer

What to consider when answering: 


US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development has 3 Categories of Homelessness that qualify for Housing Program Eligibility:


  • ​Cat. 1- Literally Homeless -  Someone who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. ( Living in a place not meant for habitation (Street, Car, Park, Garage, unfinished building, etc.) or in a shelter, or in some instances of exiting an institution.)


  • Ca. 2- Imminent Risk of Homelessness - Someone who will loose their housing within 14 Days and has no subsequent housing or supports to obtain permanent housing


  • Cat. 4- Fleeing Domestic Violence - Including youth in the following situations :
    • Trading sex for housing

    • Human trafficking

    • Physical abuse

    • Sexual abuse

    • Violence (or perceived threat of violence) because of their sexual orientation or gender identity

    • Emotional abuse (e.g. threats or intimidation)

    • Family conflict causing the youth to feel unsafe

    • Financial abuse (e.g. controlling income, identity theft to use credit)

    • Active drug/illegal substance use in youth’s housing

    • Gang or neighborhood violence that is directed at the youth in their home

    • Other illegal activity that is putting a youth or youth’s child at risk

​* Remember, for youth fleeing Domestic Violence, it may not feel safe for the young person to return home, even if they don't directly disclose that to you. If they are seeking help, it is a situation that needs to be treated seriously and treated with validity to get them to the correct supports.


Answer YES; If the Young person's situation is represented on the list above.

Answer NO; If the Young person's situation does not fit these circumstances.

©2023 by Dane County Youth Action Board

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